Thursday, July 2, 2009

Indpendence Day Celebration at Fort Moore

From the Fort Moore Garrison and Fort Moore Memorial Committee...

To all Fort Moore supporters and patriotic fellow Americans:

We have one opportunity per year to really send a LOUD message to those in LA and surrounding areas about what it means to be an American at our annual Fourth of July flag raising.

The Fort Moore Garrison and the Fort Moore Memorial Committee will raise a HUGE garrison-size flag and play loud patriotic music at 10am on Saturday, July 4th at the Fort Moore monument & flagpole (on Hill Street just north of the 101). You can either have someone drop you off at the monument on Hill Street or park in the Pueblo below and hike up to the event. We plan on having the flag raising at 10 a.m., so please come by 9:30 if you can. Please come appropriately attired in period clothing, but even if you can't, still come and support the flag raising.

Any questions? Please e-mail or call Paul Hoffman at (949) 212-9233 (cell) or

1 comment:

1ofDixie'sDaughters said...

Or you can park with metered pay parking on both sides of Hill Street. Monument is at 451 N. Hill Street, Los Angeles, between Temple and Ord.