Protecting Cultural Collections:
Disaster Prevention, Preparedness, Response & Recovery
Part 1: Prevention & Preparedness – 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Fullerton: Friday, March 20, 2015 – Fullerton Museum Center
Part 2: Response & Recovery – 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Fullerton: Friday, April 17, 2015 – Fullerton Museum Center
Workshop instructor: Julie Page, Co-Coordinator, California Preservation Program and
Western States & Territories Preservation Assistance Service
The Heritage Health Index determined that most collecting institutions need a disaster response plan that includes collections with staff trained to carry it out. Attend this interactive 2-part workshop “Protecting Cultural Collections”:
- Complete a disaster plan by the end of Part 2
- Learn how to train staff to implement your plan effectively
- Set pre- and post-disaster action priorities for your collections
- Learn how to use practical decision-making skills during an emergency
- Experience salvage procedures for a wide variety of material including books, documents, photos & objects
The workshop days are scheduled a month apart. Participants will prepare short assignments prior to the first session; between sessions, they will undertake additional assignments resulting in a completed disaster plan at the end of Part 2. Upon completion, the institutions will be invited to join an informal network of trained personnel to provide mutual aid in the event of emergencies involving collections in the region.
Who should attend: Administrators and staff responsible for emergency preparedness, response and decision-making, in all types of cultural institutions including libraries, archives, museums and historical societies. By registering for the workshop, the institution commits to supporting the attendee(s) to achieve the workshop's disaster preparedness goals. When possible, please send two attendees from an institution so they can work together on the disaster preparedness activities.
Cost: The workshop is FREE; just your time, energy, and institutional commitment.
Funding provided by The Getty Foundation to the Californians Connecting to Collections project.
Registration: Pre-registration required. Register online at:
For more information or registration assistance contact: Christina Alberti