Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Are You Ready for the Redesigned Form 990?

IdeaEncore, an online non-profit assistance program, has presentations, workshops, worksheets and forms online for download (for free and purchase).

One of the latest resources they offer (for free) is information on the new Form 990 that all non-profits are required to complete. The new Form 990 "requires" substantially all exempt organizations to implement many new policies and procedures. It's provided by Windes & McClaughry (Long Beach, CA) and is 12 pages. Free registration is required, and well worth the time. Click here for a preview.

About IdeaEncore:
IdeaEncore provides nonprofit organizations, foundations and quality content owners with an online marketplace for sharing ready-to-use tools / templates / training content / policies / program materials. This knowledge management service is a channel of distribution for spreading mission and creating earned income. IdeaEncore encourages organizations to invest the time to share their experiences. The service also supports a range of licensing options for sharing materials while protecting intellectual property rights. Unlike online libraries, Listserves, or broad internet searches, IdeaEncore’s incentivized sharing should mean more relevant content will be shared more broadly and more efficiently. The result should be a multiplier of sector capacity – allowing nonprofit organizations around the world to innovate faster, at lower cost, and with less risk compared with reinventing the wheel, networking, or using existing islands of online resources.

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